Each year we participate in Operation Christmas Child (a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse). As the holiday season approaches, we will pack shoe-boxes full of gift items meant to bless children around the world! Moreover, each shoe-box will contain a simple, age-appropriate gospel presentation.
If you would like to participate in this annual outreach (i.e., if you would like to pack some shoe-boxes yourself), feel free to check out the following link. It will provide an overview of what/what not to pack as well as more info on this ministry:
Also, New Life will serve as a Relay Center during OCC’s National Collection Week. This means that we will provide a collection point for all of the shoe-boxes packed in our region from November 12–19. Below you will find our schedule:
Monday, November 12: Noon–2pm
Tuesday, November 13: 5–7pm
Wednesday, November 14: 2–4pm
Thursday, November 15: 10am–Noon
Friday, November 16: 3–5pm
Saturday, November 17: 10am–Noon
Sunday: November 18: 12:30–3pm
Monday, November 19: 9–11am
For more information, please contact Pastor James.